ERWIN OLAF (1959, Hilversum, Olanda) lives and works in Amsterdam since the early 80s.
In 1980 he graduated in journalism from the University of Utrecht.
Olaf has become known for the complex and brilliant style of his commercial photography and the incredible sharpness of his artistic work in the studio. He signed, among others, the campaigns for Heineken, Diesel (winner of the Silver Lion, Cannes respectively 1999 and 2002), Lavazza (for which he designed the 2005 calendar), BMW, Microsoft and Nintendo, Louis Vuitton (2010, in collaboration with the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam), Bottega Veneta (2012).
In addition to collaboration with leading fashion magazines, he has received countless awards and honors, including:
In 2011 he won the prestigious Dutch State price of the Arts, the Johannes Vermeer Award, for the high value of his entire work.
In 2013, his project won the selection for the new euro coin Dutch.
Sue personali sono state esposte nei più famosi musei di Amsterdam, Francoforte, Toronto, Sydney, Bologna, Praga, Antwerp, Lodz (Polonia), Mosca e in gallerie di Madrid, Milano, Parigi, Londra, Hong Kong e New York, dove il 28 febbraio scorso si è conclusa la più recente delle sue mostre personali, presso la galleria Hasted Kraeutler (NY).